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The Most Important Things To Look For When Choosing An Online Vape Supplier

It makes a lot of sense to buy your vape juices from an online supplier. The online vape shops often have a much greater range of products than the real world vape shops do. They also tend to be much cheaper, because they have cheaper overheads and they can pass the savings on to their customers.


Nonetheless, it's important to find a good online supplier and not simply choose the first one that you encounter.  We have written this article to teach you about the various things you should be looking out for when choosing a supplier.


It's important to pay attention to these rules because they will help to keep you stay safe and ensure that you're buying products that are reliable and cost-effective.


Always choose a supplier who is based in the UK.

If you are reading this article, then we assume that you are also from the UK. Otherwise, this section of the article does not apply to you.


There are several reasons why it's important to choose a retailer based in the UK. These include:


  1. Safety issues: In the UK, legislation governs the standards of e juices and their accessories. These laws are in place to keep us safe. For example, it is illegal for retailers to sell juices that contain more than a set amount of nicotine. This helps to minimise the dangers associated with overdosing on nicotine, which can cause serious problems, especially with people with heart defects.


  1. Consumer rights: if the supplier mis-sells a product, or the product arrives and it is faulty, by shopping with a UK based shop, you will receive adequate compensation, such as the replacement of the product. If the retailer fails to do this, you can take them to court. Whilst this is also possible for foreign suppliers, it is much harder, and it will cost much more money.


For this reason, stick to UK based supplier, such as an e cig shop London.


Buy from a shop that gives detailed Information about the products you are buying.

We have noticed a trend on with online vape shops whereby they write as little information about their products as possible.  Whilst I don't think they're being intentionally vague, and there is much more to do with looking good, it is a problem because you can't always be sure what you're buying.


For example, if they're selling Shlurp e liquid, but they are producing any information about the flavour or its nicotine content or the amount of PG to VG it contains, how he supposed to know if it's the right juice for you? You won't. Moreover, this is a sign of a bad shop.


You need to be able to understand exactly what it is you are buying and the more in-depth the shop goes with their description the better it is for you. It might not look as nice if there isn't that much white space, but you shouldn't be choosing a shop based on what it looks like. You should be using it based on how well it serves you.